Seasonal workshops and gatherings

School year Reflection

Thursday June 1st 5:30-7 pm on Zoom

So often we make it through finals and crash into break completely burnt out from the stress of the semester. We rarely make the time to pause and reflect on the semester that was. Whether we were successful or fell short of our goals, the real value isn’t in our final report card but the lessons we glean from our efforts. Let’s take a deep breath with the work that’s been done and ask: What supported my achievement? What can I do differently to improve? What was my most significant change this semester? The answer to these and other questions will help us to draft an email, which we will schedule send to ourselves right before the start of the next semester to ensure that we are remembering the lessons that support our growth and development.

Establish your Practice


Breaks are the best time for self-care. We have, collectively, been through so much these past years and may be filling our schedule with all that long over due travel. Without the pressure of school, my recommendation to families is to pair that vacation time with a commitment to establishing disciplines and practices that can become supportive routines and habits for when we return to school. What better time then now to commit to a mindfulness practice that can be done as a family? I would love nothing more than to share an array of mindfulness strategies, practices that can be done in as little as 5 minutes, so that you can choose the ones that work for you. I’ll help you strategize a plan for implementation and support you every step of the way.

Fire Tenders : Initiation Program

Learn to tend the Inner + Outer flame

Marking Rite of Passage Moments

For small groups - Youth or Adult

Currently offered as a high school initiation, Joshua will train your group in the practice of tending scout fire. The program is supported by ‘Wonder Walks’, and ‘Family Fire Circles’ to deepen nature connection, provide mentorship and accountability partnership as we prepare for an ‘all-night’ fire tending rite of passage ritual. The deeper conversation begins here with this outline of the proposal.


“Joshua Reitzenstein you are a gem, the breath of fresh air that we all need, especially our children. - Romi Azevedo